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In few men is it part of nature to respect a friend's prosperity without begrudging him.


As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.


The envied are like bureaucrats; the more impersonal they are, the greater the illusion (for themselves and for others) of their power.

John Berger

It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.

Lawrence Durrell

Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.

Havelock Ellis

Some folks rail against other folks, because other folks have what some folks would be glad of.

Henry Fielding

Envy among other ingredients has a mixture of the love of justice in it. We are more angry at undeserved than at deserved good - fortune.

William Hazlitt

It is only at the tree loaded with fruit that the people throw stones.

French Proverb

O! beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.

William Shakespeare

Never waste jealousy on a real man: it is the imaginary man that supplants us all in the long run.

George Bernard Shaw

There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Man will do many things to get himself loved, he will do all things to get himself envied.

Mark Twain