Gossip Quotes
Collection of Gossip Quotes.
Gossip is nature's telephone.
Sholom Aleichem
A gossip is someone who's the knife of the party.
Morris Bender
HISTORIAN, n. A broad-gauge gossip.
Ambrose Gwinett Bierce
I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true.
Truman Capote
Gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco - pipes of those who diffuse it: it proves nothing but the bad taste of the smoker.
George Eliot
Young people do not perceive at once that the giver of wounds is the enemy and the quoted tattle merely the arrow.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Men have always detested women's gossip because they suspect the truth: their measurements are being taken and compared.
Erica Jong
Gossip isn't scandal and it's not merely malicious. It's chatter about the human race by lovers of the same. Gossip is the tool of the poet, the shop - talk of the scientist, and the consolation of the housewife, wit, tycoon and intellectual. It begins in the nursery and ends when speech is past.
Phyllis McGinley
Everyone realizes that one can believe little of what people say about each other. But it is not so widely realized that even less can one trust what people say about themselves.
Rebecca West
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
Oscar Wilde